7 September 2019

Life is scary and the universe only knows that life with my Mr. X will always be exciting and unpredictable in many things. But of one thing I can always be sure – of his love for me, of him always acting in the best interest for us, even if we have to be apart at times.
“YES!” Yes, I will marry you, I think I kept on saying. I don’t really remember any more, it’s all a bit of a blur.

29 August 2019

Men…are not women. Nature needs these two forces to keep life going. We women love to feel protected, no matter how strong we are. And men need our joy to feel alive. Sex is part of that joy. This will never change.
And if we mess with nature as the Chinese did, preventing girls to be born, then nature will gift men with more feminine hormones and energy to restore the balance.

22 August 2019

As far as I’m concerned, neediness is a curse. I used to be one of the neediest women you could imagine. The lack of attention and love in my childhood made me a nightmare as a partner and if I didn’t get enough attention (and believe me, it was never enough), I found a way to blame my partner for my unhappiness.

18 August 2019

Becoming a step mother has actually raised my confidence. How?
Trying to take care of myself wasn’t enough. It helped but it didn’t do the trick for me. Taking on responsibility for others, decide to lead them and allow to humbly learn from these children just as well, this is where the magic lies.